
Greater Patagonian Trail

529 bytes añadidos, 20:57 26 jul 2014
'''Start (GPT01-WP001)''': Start in Radal at final bus stop. Only in January and February some busses continue to Parque Ingles.
'''Shop (GPT01-WP002)’’’: Small shop with basic supplies in Radal. Good to get a beer and some extra goodies for the night but not to supply you for the trip.
'''Camp $ (GPT01-WP003)’’’: Nice, reasonable priced camp site in Radal. Recommen¬ded place for the first night if arriving in the evening.
'''Shop & Restaurant (GPT01-WP004)’’’: Parque Inglés with kiosk and a cosy restaurant about 10 km after the starting point. Last chance to enjoy the pleasures of civilisation before heading into the wilderness.
'''Diversion, CONAF & Camp $ (GPT01-WP005)’’’: The hiking trail starts left. You should register at the CONAF office. There is a camp site nearby.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP006)’’’: Easy river crossing.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP007)’’’: Easy river crossing.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP008)’’’: Easy river crossing.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP009)’’’: Easy river crossing.
'''Camp (GPT01-WP010)’’’: There are some nice camp sites on the meadows of El Bolson. Inside the national park CONAF does not permit camp fires.
'''Refuge (GPT01-WP011)’’’: Basic refuge in El Bolson that can shelter for up to 4 persons.
'''Pass 2260 m (GPT01-WP012)’’’: First pass with nice view back into the Valle del Indio. After this pass comes a 2 km levelled section before ascending to the second pass.
'''Lake (GPT01-WP013)’’’: Laguna Las Ánimas. You may camp at the lake but there is little shelter from wind.
'''Water (GPT01-WP014)’’’: Clear fresh water.
'''Pass 2560 m (GPT01-WP015)’’’: Second pass with nice view towards Laguna Mondaca.
'''Camp (GPT01-WP016)’’’: Probably the best camp spot near Laguna Mondaca with water, fire wood and some wind protection.
'''Lake (GPT01-WP017)’’’: Laguna Mondaca.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP018)’’’: Difficult river crossing during snowmelt and after heavy rain. The river often changes it's bed therefore look for the optimal place to cross. Yon need to cross the river to avoid rocky terrain ahead.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP019)’’’: Difficult river crossing during snowmelt and after heavy rain. The river often changes it's bed therefore look for the optimal place to cross.
'''Hot Spring, Camp & Puesto (GPT01-WP020)’’’: Termas de Azufre. Excellent hot spring with several small pools. You may need to adjust the temperature by regulating the hot water inlet flow. No fire wood but you may heat water and food at the hot steam vents (follow the noise). Good camp site if you tolerate the sulphur smell. The posteros arrive in January.
'''River Crossing (GPT01-WP021)’’’: Moderate difficult river crossing. Yon need to cross the river to avoid steep loose pumice fields ahead.River Crossing (GPT01-WP022): Easy river crossing.
Pass 2700 m '''River Crossing (GPT01-WP023WP022)’’’: The highest point of the entire Greater Patagonian Trail (apart from the summit of the Descabezado Grande)Easy river crossing.
Camp & Puesto '''Pass 2700 m (GPT01-WP024WP023)’’’: Base Camp Descabezado Grande. Probably The highest point of the best camp spot in this area. You best take water entire Greater Patagonian Trail (apart from the spring on the right side summit of the river about 20 to 30 m from this waypoint. Frequently visited area. Base camp for climbing the Volcan Descabezado. Basic stone shelter occasionally used by local posteros and horseback guidesGrande).
Hot Spring '''Camp & Puesto (GPT01-WP025WP024)’’’: One lukewarm pool at the Base Camp Descabezado Grande. Probably the best camp spot in this area. You best take water from the spring on the right side of the river about 20 to 30 m from this waypoint. Frequently visited area. Base camp for climbing the Volcan Descabezado. Basic stone shelter occasionally used by local posteros and horseback guides.
Water ? '''Hot Spring (GPT01-WP026WP025)’’’: Possible access to water on One lukewarm pool at the way to the summit. May be unreliable and depending on snowmelt. Please verify and report to trekking guide authorBase Camp Descabezado Grande.
Cross '''Water ? (GPT01-WP027WP026)’’’: Cross near Possible access to water on the way to the summit. May be unreliable and depending on snowmelt. Please verify and report to trekking guide author.
Summit 3900 m '''Cross (GPT01-WP028WP027)’’’: Summit of Cross near the Descabezado Grandesummit.
River Crossing & Camp '''Summit 3900 m (GPT01-WP029WP028)’’’: Astonishing oasis in the middle Summit of a volcanic desert. Good camp site with water, fire wood and wind protectionthe Descabezado Grande.
Lake '''River Crossing & Camp (GPT01-WP030WP029)’’’: Nearly 3 km long drainless lake Laguna Caracol Astonishing oasis in the middle of pumice a volcanic desert. Good camp site with water, fire wood and lavawind protection.
'''Lake (GPT01-WP031WP030)’’’: Hidden Nearly 3 km long drainless lake Laguna Caracol in volcanic crater that can be seen from the next passmiddle of pumice and lava.
Camp '''Lake (GPT01-WP032WP031)’’’: Camp site without fire wood and wind protection. Water is probably best taken Hidden lake in volcanic crater that can be seen from the spring 300 m upstreamnext pass.
Water '''Camp (GPT01-WP033WP032)’’’: Clear fresh water Camp site without fire wood and wind protection. Water is probably best taken from the spring300 m upstream.
Lake '''Water (GPT01-WP034WP033)’’’: Hidden lake that can be seen from the next passClear fresh water spring.
Pass 2540 m '''Lake (GPT01-WP035WP034)’’’: Pass with impressive viewHidden lake that can be seen from the next pass.
Camp '''Pass 2540 m (GPT01-WP036WP035)’’’: Probably the best camp site in this area and the only one Pass with a meadow. Sufficient water and fire wood. The lake further down is dusty and without fire woodimpressive view.
River Crossing '''Camp (GPT01-WP037WP036)’’’: Easy river crossingProbably the best camp site in this area and the only one with a meadow. Sufficient water and fire wood. The lake further down is dusty and without fire wood.
Lake '''River Crossing (GPT01-WP038WP037)’’’: Laguna Hornitos that is dammed up by the Crater Hornitos. You can easily ascent to the summit of the crater (60 m climb)Easy river crossing.
Trail Head '''Lake (GPT01-WP039WP038)’’’: Trail head (or end)Laguna Hornitos that is dammed up by the Crater Hornitos. Turn right onto You can easily ascent to the hydropower station roadsummit of the crater (60 m climb).
Water ? '''Trail Head (GPT01-WP040WP039)’’’: Possible access to waterTrail head (or end). Turn right onto the hydropower station road.
Gate '''Water ? (GPT01-WP041WP040)’’’: Unmanned gate that may be locked. Pedestrians may pass on the right side of the gate if lockedPossible access to water.
'''Gate ? (GPT01-WP042WP041)’’’: Gate of hydropower station Unmanned gate that was not used by trekking guide authormay be locked. Please verify and report to author. You probably can leave anytime but you need a permit from Pedestrians may pass on the right side of the hydropower station for enteringgate if locked.
Bus Stop '''Gate ? (GPT01-WP043WP042)’’’: Unmarked bus stop on the Route 115 Gate of hydropower station that was not used by trekking guide author. Please verify and report to Talcaauthor. You probably can leave anytime but you need a permit from the hydropower station for entering.
Gate '''Bus Stop (GPT01-WP044WP043)’’’: Manned main gate of hydropower station Cipreses. You can leave anytime but you need a permit from Unmarked bus stop on the hydro¬power station for entering. You may ask the leaving employees for a ride Route 115 to Talca.
'''Gate (GPT01-WP044)’’’: Manned main gate of hydropower station Cipreses. You can leave anytime but you need a permit from the hydro¬power station for entering. You may ask the leaving employees for a ride to Talca. '''Bus Stop (GPT01-WP045)’’’: Unmarked bus stop on the Route 115 to Talca.