
GPT01 - Cerro Purgatorio

142 bytes añadidos, 11:27 7 abr 2023
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==Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions==
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 ===Season 2023/24===
===Season 2022/23===
* 2023-Feb-19 / SOBO / RR / Luisa & Hannes
===Season 2021/22===
* 2021 Nov-19, SOBO, RR, Kris&Stiina
===Season 2019/20===
* 2020-Jan-03 / Frank / Regular Route (RR) 2 days Southbound
The Metro line 4 to Puente Alto is currently out of operation due to vandalism during the current protests. Check online for current the status and delete this alert once metro operation to Puente Alto resumes.
===Season 2018/19===
* 2018-Dec-16 / Martin Lizondo / Regular Route Southbound
[ Blog: GPT Section 1 – Cerro Purgatorio]
===Season 2017/18===
No log entries.
===Season 2016/17===
* 2017-Feb / Bethany Hughes, Lauren Reed / Northbound / GPT02 connected directly with GPT01 Option 1 Rio Clarillo without resupply
[ Blog: Greater Patagonian Trail 1 Santiago-Coya]
=Resupply=Images==Resupply in nearby Towns====Resupply on the Trail== =Access to Route= =Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues= =Links to other Resources=
[[Archivo:Greater Patagonian Trail (6).jpg|miniaturadeimagen|Greater Patagonian Trail, section 1]]