
GPT41 (Lago Viedma)

2270 bytes añadidos, 23:39 28 dic 2023
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
From 2023-12-15 to 2023-12-21 //6,5 days // Hiking // NOBO // Quentin Clavel  Not exactly the track who's in the GPT guide, because, as I mentionned in the previous section, the National Parc didn't allowed you to pass threw between estancia Cristina and estencia Helsingfors if you're not a group of, at least, 3 people.  So I just walked from El Calafate to El Chaltén. It took me 6,5 days, and that was, as you can imagine not the most exciting section of the GPT !  I begun by following the GPT43 Option 3 (Lago Argentino Costa Sur), then I mostly followed the road to El Chaltén.  I was alternating between the side of the road and the pampa few hundred meters from it. I discovered some surprisingly great landscapes, following wild animals tracks (especially along Rio La Leona), but I somehow came back regularly on the road as the pampa is pretty sandy (especially along the Lago Viedma), and not so easy to walk on.  Pampa is definitely not funny, wind was crazy, and sun very intense. I had to be creative to find shadow and the pipes from dry rivers were pretty good for lunch breaks !  That was pretty desolating to see the very low level of rivers and lakes. But even at this level, it was good to find them to try to stay hydrated (even if the water was mixed with tierra, and so brown and crispy aha) hotel de campo la Leona". You can camp and resupply (sandwiches, salads, fruits, snacks, cakes, drinks, coffee). It's just on the road, before passing threw the bridge on Rio La Leona.  11 kilometers before if you go NOBO, or after if you go SOBO, you can find the ex restaurant "Luz la divina", an abandonned pink house, which is an inspiring obligatory passage, even a museum for our fellow cyclists friends, with a lot of signatures on the walls since 2013. (49°53′26.45″S 72°02′37.1″W).  The arrival to Chaltén is long but exciting as the mountains and the amazing Fitz Roy reveals itself at every step.  * November 2023 / Regular Route / mostly SOBO / 3 days / Frank Creedon
Although you are on tar there are no facilities for 108KM. The route is featureless pampa & you will often go 20KM or more before finding a boulder or calafate bush to shelter from the relentless wind. Only recommended for hikers who are fanatical about connecting footsteps.
I walked Chalten-La Leona in 3 days, : 2 half days and 2 full days as follows
1. Arrived in Chalten, walked out 15KM SOBO and hitched back.
Expensive accomodation (about $100) but rooms were closed in November. They said rooms open in high season (beginning in December)
Restaurant open for hot food 8AM=4PM & for snacks, pizza & beer until 8PM. Pick the most sheltered spot in the campsite, it gets very windy & can knock tents which are not well sheltered.
11 kilometers before La Leona if you go NOBO, or after if you go SOBO, you can find the ex restaurant "Luz la divina", an abandonned pink house, which is an inspiring obligatory passage, even a museum for our fellow cyclists friends, with a lot of signatures on the walls since 2013. (49°53′26.45″S 72°02′37.1″W).
Taqsa will not stop at La Leona.
Buses normally wont won't drop you at any locations along the route apart from La Leona & are unlikely to pick you up along the route either.
Hitching is fairly easy.