
Greater Patagonian Trail

567 bytes añadidos, 17:30 26 jul 2014
GPS File for Trekking
The file is organized in folders and subfolders for a better overview in particular when viewing and organizing the trail on a computer. There is one folder for each section and each section contains a subfolder for waypoints and a subfolder for tracks.
The waypoints are named with the item and a running number.
001: Running number
The track of each section is broken into smaller segments to differentiate between different trail types and to provide options and alternatives where applicable.
Trail types:
0: Cross country (no visible trail)
1: Hiking or horse trail
2: Minor dirt road with no or insignificant traffic (also abandoned road or closed private road)
3: Mayor dirt road with moderate traffic
4: Paved road
?: Not verified trail section (Remains to be hiked and recorded by GPS to update the trail file)
L: Lake (Packraft)
R: River (Packraft)
S: Sea (Packraft)
F: Ferry
==Expected Duration==