
GPT33H - Torres del Avellano

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* 2820.02. - 0524.0302.23 / Anna & Christopher / SOBO, Chile Chico Villa Cerro Castillo - CochranePuerto Ibáñez
We In the afternoon we started in Chile Chico around 5 pm walking hitchhiking the first km on the roadCarretera Austral to where Option 3B starts. After There were lots of people trying to hitchhike directly from Villa Cerro Castillo, so we figuered to have a while better chance if we walk further up the Carretera Austral. We soon got a ride to lucky. That day we walked the Bahía Jara cross dirtroad until km 4.4 and camped there next to a few hundred meters further near the street (we carried water from Chile Chico)small stream.
The ascent to the plateau is next day was mostly easy dirtroad walking and the last CC part easy to navigate. The whole stretch on the plateau dirtroads until the street crossing at km 4145.5 we had extreme wind, (which made walking super tiring and nearly blew us away a few timesis relatively easy to miss!). We found a tiny and steep, but wind protected place to set up our tent camped at around km 28 in 49 at the ridge dug by edge of the riverforest. We had to get a bit inventive to set it up and to be able to sleep properly there. There were almost no other places that were protected by the wind until you get off the plateau. As almost all previous entries say, it's better to camp off the plateau. But it's really worth doing it because you can see Guanacos and flamingos on it :)
When The next day the weather turned bad once we reached the street at km 41section with all the boulders on the ascent to the pass.5 We did some unnecessary climbing by not sticking to the main route. When descending we were lucky lost the main route again and a car passed by a few minutes laterbriefly tried to descend without it, which brought us we soon realised is a bad idea, so we climbed back up to the entrance of Parque Patagoniawhere we lost it. We payed 15k CLP p.p. and walked to spent the night at the camp Raleigh at Lago verdekm 63. There are some sheltered places to set up the tent, with an unfamiliar amount of people for the GPT. Lago Verde is beautiful though4.
The next day involves lots morning we woke up with a clear blue sky and finally saw the Torres del Avellano. Really amazing rock formations.The following bushbashing part seemed ok to us, we had worse ones on the GPT so far ;). First we walked on to the right of the river- and stream crossings and following a good animal path. Once it started ended we changed to rain not particularly heavy, but after the left side and stayed there.About 2/3 of the route is a realtively good path and the rest was some hours we were completely weteasy BB and climbing over fallen trees. Therefore Luckily the rivercrossing ford at km 8269.6 8 was really hard for Anna (1,63 m) but we managed by inertlocking our arms and doing it step by step slowlyeasy to cross. After that We took variant E from where on the trails get really good trail was in a great condition and you can we could walk way fasterpretty fast. The river crossing at km 81.1 was more demanding and went almost up to Annas hips (1,63m).We camped soon after that at the unofficial camp site at approx. km 8481.75.
We had good weather continued on variant H the next day and easy trail on the trail was really good dirtroad until Lago Gutierrezthe lake, where it gets more demanding (we underestimated the continous ups and downs). Up The views are amazing though. It gets pretty windy next to the pass the trail gets lake. We camped at a bit worse with some navigation issues, but you always find a good path again.As the others wrote there are only some tiny streams within the first spot at km after the pass until the 109.3 next Laguna, so we filled up our bottles there and camped somewhere in the forest soon afterwards once it started to rain againa small stream.
The next On the final day there were still not too much water sources and we fetched the first water at the first Laguna which wasn't super easy walked to access. The trail until Lago Cochrane wasn't in bad condition neither. We also took Option L, which follows the 'regular' siete lagunas trail. The stretch from Lago Cochrane until the Conaf office at the end of the lake is absolutely amazing with great views of one of the clearest lakes in the world. We camped at km 145.7 bus station (6 pm) and took a bath in the lake. The last 8 km to Cochrane went super fast on an easy trail until Conaf and 4 km road walking ferry to Chile Chico the town, so happily we could escape from the starting rainsame day (8 pm). This section was great :)
* 26/02/2023 - 02/03/2023 / RR SOBO with emergency exit on a boat on Lago General Carrera / Louis, Rémi & Noé :