
GPT19 - Volcán Puyehue

119 bytes añadidos, 23:17 20 feb 2020
Season Section Log
10-02-2020 / Ty/ RR SOBO/ 3 Days
I got lucky to get and got a ride all the way up to Los Venados. I went around Hectors house and camped up before tree line. There’s a bit of water still up there, just a few strong trickles though. The I thought they would stay running for a while. Then for day 2 I went all the way to the refuge, with a slight detour to the rim of the volcano. Definitely recommend. The water“water? at RR-CC-A@19-68.0+3.7 seemed to have plenty of water in it at the time as well. At the rim a cloud came in and made navigation pretty tricky, but easily managed. Nice refuge with nice campsites outside of it too. Spring still running. Tables and everything! Overall, it was an amazing section. From the end I hitched up to Antillanca optional Start for the next section.
16-01-2020 / Arnaud Debilly / Southbound