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Discusión:Greater Patagonian Trail track files

De Wikiexplora
Revisión del 05:23 10 sep 2023 de Sbs (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Hi Jan, hi Jan, my name is Hugues Rialan, thanks for an amazing job creating and keeping alive the GPT, I have never seen anything like that. My friend and I would like to hike some sections of the GPT in January February 24. It's something we've been considering for a couple of years, now seems to be a good moment in our lives, we feel ready for this beautiful adventure. We would appreciate that you share the track files with us, to further refine our preparation but ultimately nothing is possible without them. Many thanks in advance. We will share our experience in wikiexplora. My hiking partner, who is fluent in Spanish, and I (my spanish is a bit more rusty but not that bad) are thinking starting at GPT10, and will not go down to Terra del Fuego as we expect the weather to become more difficult and we want to hike light. For the same reason we are unlikely to packraft, but are still hesitating on that one. I also applied to the FB group you setup. Our idea is to spend about a month and a half on the GPT, looking for the most scenic places and hoping to get to meet and spend some time with arrieros. Thanks again for everything. Hugues