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GPT23 (PN Lago Puelo)

8219 bytes añadidos, 13 marzo
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
* Recommendation Jan Dudeck November 2023: It seams that the The Regular Route on the eastern side of Lago Puelo is traversable again. Also, thanks to Martin Lizondo the Regular Route could be re-routed next to Cerro Plataforma onto a more maintained trail. This avoids serious bush bashing on the now obselete Regular Route that I renamed to Option 6 (Cerro Tres Picos). This makes previous route descriptions not applicable to the updated 2023 route. So enjoy section GPT23 again without battling through dense fields of bamboo grass.
==Season 2022/23==
*Comment Jan Dudeck:2024-20-18 to 2024-02-22 / 5 days / Hiking / SOBO /RR + 23-02/ Gerald
Recent reports stated that Day 1: Until Rio epuyen is not much water. Only Water {23} [11.4/448] is accessable, not super easy though. That part is quite dry...Take the hiking trail (track RHroad to your left at -TL42.148514, -V@2371.594333 to avoid crossing private property. Camped here -242.4) on 15975, -71.597078 . It's right at the eastern side of Lago Puelo is nearly impassable due to a wild fire lake and lack of maintenancea bit exposed to all the boats crossing. Room for one tent.
Day 2: nice trail. At the south other side of Lago Puelo the lake is a nicefree camping (-42.227775, lakeside campsite-71. The route continues south 666765). From waypoint Bridge {23} [29.1/269] (Rio Derrumbe) on another well groomed pathis no water until you reach Rio turbio (if i remember right). Camped like Roman here -42.304965, Cajón del Arroyo Derrumbe, that winds through rocks and scrub heading towards a forest-71. After entering the forest 768301. Met 2 gauchos and crossing the footbridgeasked if i am allowed to camp. They said no problem, i should just distinguish the land opens up and camping is plentifulfire with water if i wanna make one. This path continues, but it becomes harder Is a nice spot right next to follow. Eventually it widens into a 4WD track which winds through private farmsriver.
After passing by the farms, Day 3: from now on its like walking on sand dunes until the trail turns off the 4WD track onto a single track trail which lake. There is difficult a Puesto next to followa river at -42. 339905, -71.785909. Continued to Plataforma {23-02} which offered nice views - thanks Quentin for telling me! There are several misleading spurs and river along the trail is overgrown with prickly vegetationway. The trail remains like this until Camped at the steep climb beginning approximately 11lake -42.5 km from the south shore of Lago Puelo346106, -71.79513.
During Day 4: lost the steep 800 m climb it is possible to spot a faint game trailin the forest with the big rocks, but for still easy. Once you are at the most part this is second meadow it's a cross country routeswamp until you reach the lake. This climb in the burned area i lost the trail pretty quick. It's super hard to find again since the gps track is difficult! There are very few trees, mostly bushes and prickly grasses full fairly sparse (maybe Jan Dudeck or Martin Lizondo can share the original track). Had to bush bash for 1-2h (lost track of burstime). Super demanding... Found the trail 2 or 3 times and lost it again. From -42.394973, -71.809004 on i joined and never lost the route does not cross watertrail. At the top of the climbWatch your gps super frequently, just over otherwise you take a wrong turn. The Hill Roman was talking about is great to focus on in case you are lost. To the crestleft, there the trail is a easy to spot . Camped between the lake and the MR -42.446782, -71.727817. Not super great, but rain was coming. There are not really nice places to campalong the lake until the paid camping.
The descent involves bushwhacking through a dense, woody forest for a couple kilometers, broken up by Day 5: just walking on the occasional meadowMR with nice views. Be wary of the route you choose Got a ride to take as it is possible to cliff out. After reaching the bottom (Cholila at approximately elevation 1.160 m) and beginning the next ascent (to approximate elevation 1.350 m)end of the lake, the forest opens up allowing for easier movementsince weather looked super unstable. The second descent (to approximately elevation 980 m) Piuke Mapu Patagonia Hostel is densely forested, steep, nice! Good view on tres Picos. Plenty of supermarket and very slow going. The subsequent ascent even western union if you need one (to approximately elevation 1.280 m) involves bushwacking until reaching treelinearound here -42. At this point510352, the route descends cross-country on talus and alpine marshland71.434688). The dense forest and wet conditions It's kind of kiosk, so better ask how much you can get before doing the meadows makes camping in this area difficulttransaction.
After dropping below treeline, a stream winds through relatively open forest until joining Del Turco. In several places it is possible to walk along the bank of the river, crossing it as needed. Since there are several occasions where crossing Del Turco is necessary, doing this section when the water is high may be dangerous. When the GPS route deviates from the river it’s usually to avoid a steep section where the flat banks disappear. There is the occasional small trail which frequently fades into the thick bamboo forest. The combination of rocky terrain and prickly vegetation makes camping along the river difficult to find. However, there are some clear flat areas; a couple places even had evidence of fire rings.Beautiful hike!
Approximately 5 km from where the route joins the dirt road * From 2024-02-16 to Lago Cholila2024-02-19 // 3, the trail becomes more established. There are still some misleading spurs, but generally the route is straightforward. There are also higher quality and more frequent camping options in this area. The route joins a nice dirt road lined with several private residences about 1 km from Lago Cholila. The put in for the 4 km paddle across the lake is a grassy beach.5 days // Hiking // NOBO // RR + Option 2 // Quentin Clavel
The outlet From villa Lago Rivadavia, you just follow a long gravel road, until PK60, where the fun begins !  Kind of bush-bashing on some part, maybe it's just me who lost the track, but I had some great fights with the bush !  When arriving at the junction, the tracks are easy to follow.  Go absolutely to cerro plataforma, amazing atmosphere, crazy to see this big flat summit, surrounded by hills, and a 360° view on all the moubtains around. This place is classified for its fossils, millions years ago, that was the seabed, reason why we could see fossils.  Reach the great Lago Cholila puelo, the hard part, that have been burnt is Río Carrilefudoable, sometimes hard to find the way, but with the HOS it's alright. Views are very nice up there. This river stretch is swift but has part of huella andina, so you'll have (more or less) regularly the blue and yellow marks to show you the way.  One important thing is that there's no water at all on this part of the section (from KM0 to KM 13).  Then I could see from above the busy beach (it was a crazy hot day, 38° announced), as I didn't wanted to go into the crowd, I skipped the end of the section, and instead, take a track, going straight to the first street of the city.  On that one I could resupply thanks to the minimarket of Alicia (just after the camping Puelo). Then you just have to go straight at the end of this street, and the next section begins.   * 2024-Jan-12 / 5 days / Packrafting / SOBO / RH + RP / Lauren & Sebastian Day 1: We took the first bus out of Lago Puelo, which leaves by the gas station around 7:30 am. But the wind was too strong so we decided to hike along RH instead. We later found out that on the same day Daniel started GPT23 packrafting southbound and he made it across the brazo occidental even though under high winds. After the brazo, it was windstill and even some tailwind for him. We saw that same windpattern still a few obstacleshours later from the top of the mountain. Most The way up the mountain was super well maintained, once you come to the ridge wayfinding becomes tricky and the way down a bit worse, but not super bad. It‘s a very scenic hike which we enjoyed. We camped at Puerto Riquelme the first night. Day 2: Started packrafting out of brazo oriental. Recommend early morning. We thought we’d have tail winds after the river is lined brazo going south, but winds shifted soon and the initial tail wind became head wind. We packrafted until approximately 1 km before the end of the lake where the trail comes down near the lake. It‘s a very well maintained trail all the way to the pass. Day 3: We continued up to the pass. Nothing difficult on that stretch, only amazing views! After the pass the trail disappears more and more. Find your way through the magical boulders and you’ll come to the first meadow with thick a little stream, which is where we camped :) Day 4: We followed the meadows down, once the trail leads back into the forest it becomes well visible and easy to follow, all the way to where the steep downhill starts. We had no problem following the trail. To avoid dense bushes, stay on the left on the hill and follow the horse tracks and poop. After the steep downhill, we think that we went too low and couldn’t find the trail, so we had about one hour bush bashing until the first little hill at -42.39672, -71.80949. There we found the trail, more or private propertyless easy to follow, but it’s always there! Due to Cy and GGs account we expected difficult bush bashing towards the occasional place end, so we followed Roman’s route. The way down the hill to camp can be spotted (some areas even have picnic tables)the ford was easy bush bashing. Watch Maybe 15-20 Minutes, just follow the main cow tracks, they will lead you right to the ford. The ford is indeed demanding. Only attempt if you are comfortable with difficult fording! From there on it’s all road. Side note: Daniel just continued to follow the regular trail from there. He said it was in good condition all the way and not too difficult to follow! So there is no bush bashing needed once you find the trail and stick to it! The fording at the end is less demanding than the other one on Roman’s route. So both ways are highly enjoyable, pick your preference! We camped at -42.45679, -71.77372, which was right next to a perfect river-in spot for Rio Tigre, which we would definitely recommend! Day 5: We paddled down Rio Tigre, which was a pure pleasure! As mentioned in previous accounts, have a look at the takesecond left turn before you go in (either scout it -out there is a great landing spot just before Villa - or have a look at the satellite images). On Lago RivadaviaCholila we made good progress. Exit We started a bit later that day to make use of the river sail and it was perfect. After that we finished down Rio Carrileufu, however due to the later start, the last part on the river we experienced quite the strong headwind! We finished a grassy beach just below a small campsite called Camping El truly remarkable GPT section at Campsite Abuelo Daniel!  *2023-12-22 to 2023-12-25 / 4 days / Hiking / SOBO /RR / Roman Started in Lago Puelo. The trail up the Mountain up to Water {23} [11.2/471] is in good condition. The Camp {23} [8.5/730] is possible but difficult IMHO. The way down to Bridge, X {23} [13.5/204] (Rio Epuyen) is difficult. Many fallen trees no BB but annoying for 2 km, but with the amazing view! The RR crosses private territory at -42.150307, -71.595803. Very nice lady with 2 dogs. Maybe this path would be better (needs to be checked) -42.150094, -71.593503. Water at: -42.158685, -71.595583. Slept at -42.159401, -71.596885. From there the trail is all the way to -42.304965, -71.768301 in pristine condition and ist just fun! The trail at the east side if the lake is regularly used by locals. I hiked to this point and camped here: -42.304965, -71.768301. Maybe it's normally necessary to pay because there are even 2 places to make fire. In my case no one was there and it was a great place to camp with water directly next to it. On the way to this point you have to Ford 2 times: -42.296869, -71.752602 and -42.305186, -71.769161. The next kilometres up to the lake here: -42.346621, -71.79487 can be easily followed and is good to hike. It's steep it took me 3 hours to finish this part. From there on waa snow and you couldn't see the trail. Still easy to continue. Up to this point: -42.364977, -71.790992. There is a forest clearing and easy to hike. At the end starts the trail all the way to this point: -42.38472, -71.798375. Down the mountain to this point: -42.390629, -71.804577 is "free for all". Seep hill no trail tones if allen trees. Easy to get down but incredible difficult if you go NoBo. From there on its Bush Bashing (my understanding is: it's not longer possible to have a smooth consistent motion while walking because of vegitation. This does not include that you have to raise your arms because there a a lot of trees to you right and left). It's demanding because there are several amenities hundreds of fallen burned trees which are point and this combined with bamboo and new vegitation. I deviated from the RR and went "straight" to this point: -42.396721, -71.809493. It's a small hill to take a rest and get a overview. After that I went up the small hill in this direction: -42.405402, -71.808371. I stayed on top of the hill which avoided bigger BB. In preparation of the route I scouted a ATV Road. Download at the end of the comment. I went from here -42.411282, -71.809326 to the start of the ATV here: -42.412989, -71.810822. The Ford is very demanding, it's at the same place where the ATV starts. From there on I followed the route until this site including flushing toiletspoint to pitch camp: -42.446908, cold showers-71.728077 which is a great place to start packrafting the next day. The next day I started early with no wind 06:45 AM and finished GPT23 at 02:30 PM. Rio carrileufu is a dream! A few logs other than that mid speed river and a joy. This shop offers payment via bank transfer -42.561688, -71.599514. Overall: great section! I would definitely recommend SoBo. The Bush Bashing is quite shitty for 1.5-2h. Overall it's absolutely worth it and home cooked mealswould reccomend is. The price 1.5-2h of BB is nothing against the beautiful hike and the gorgeous packrafting. Trail download: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqzLweJ3NZW5q7YaWpYwLH1plYOeWA Contact: https://linktr.ee/RundW  * 2023-dec-01 to 2023-dec-05 / 5 days / packrafting / SOBO / RP / Cy & GGSuperb section with good variety of landscapesDon't underestimate the strong gusts of winds in 2018 the lago pueloFirst camp on the shore of the lago in the middle of dead trees ready to hostThe trail up to cerro plataforma was 170 argentine pesos very clean and well maintened, still steep on some parts... lots of snow at this period around the pass but faiseable Wet soil after the pass but easy going until you reach the next valleyHuemul seen in this area, check it !Bush bashing from the ridge through bamboos quite tricky but there is a trail, we lean good part of the way with machete.After the ridge and the first stream, need to camp per night without breakfast find the way through small open areas and 230 argentine pesos per night dense bamboo and brushes. Machete essential Easy going then from the first puest and settlerRio Tigre was easy to packraft with breakfast includedjust few dead trees and 2 smalls rapids.Be careful and concentrate on the second left turn or scout it from the shore before passing itCholila lake was super calm in the morning then the wind came at 12am pushing us from the back.Entrance of rio carrileufu is easy and directly connected to the campsite making the logistic very easyRio Carrileufu then is a really cool fishing river ==Season 2022/23==
* 2023-Mar-01 to 2023-Mar-05 / 4,5 days / hiking / SOBO / RR + 23-01 / Martin & Helena
Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka
* 2023 January / Hiking / GPT23 Southbound / Investigating a new route / Martin Lizondo
GPT23: Hello everyone. I’ve just finished section 23 in 7 days from Lago Puelo to Villa Rivadavia. Good news: I found a new route which is actually ALL TRAIL and perfectly walkable. This is very important because the mountain pass from El Turbio to lake Cholila is closed with vegetation and not used anymore after recent forest fires. I found instead a new route called Cerro Plataforma from where you can follow a horse track down to Cholila. You can contact me and I can send you the track file. Also the burned forest from Lago Puelo to El Desemboque was maintained and is now easy to walk. This solves a lot of headaches for this beautiful section and makes it absolutely worth it. Enjoy. Cheers.
* 2023-Jan-10 / packrafting / Lago Cholila - 24P Villa Fulalaufquen / Zach
I started at Lago Cholila. After seeing Cerro Tres Picos from below i wished I’d done the whole section. Getting out of El Bolson was surprisingly difficult. Hitched luckily all the way to Lago Cholila. Walked farther around to put in just North of the little hill. What a ride! Cruised with the wind and waves straight to Rio Carrileufu paddling only to orient forward. The river is a delight. Put on cruise control and enjoy the view. The following morning was unexpectedly windy in the face so I had to paddle to make progress most of rest of the river. Continued on 24P without stopping in Villa Rivadavia.
*2022-Nov-09 to 2022-Nov-11 / 3 days / hiking / SOBO + NOBO / Frank
The office of Club Andino Piltri in Bolson, which was a great source for hiking information, has burned down & they are currently homeless. Rivers were running high & I did not get any info. on the current status of the route so I walked round it on the road in 3 days.
Day 1: I got the morning bus to Epuyen then walked about 42KM NOBO to Pasarela Rio Azul near Lago Puelo at the start of GPT22. Although you are near the main road (Ruta 40) you can often walk away from it on small gravel roads & tracks. No place for food on the road until you reach El Hoyo where there is a great bakery on RHS of road (the first place you come to NOBO) Friendly with very good fruit pie. At the north end of El Hoyo just after the viewpoint you can cut left on a dirt road, go right over a small hill & come down on the main road into Lago Puelo. Epuyen has a bus station, a few shops & a cafe.
==Season 2019/20==
*2019-11-10 / Jan Dudeck / Regular Hiking and Packrafting Route
==Season 2016/17==
* 2014 to 2016 / Initial Investigation / As of 2023 this is Option 6
Recent reports stated that the hiking trail (track RH-TL-V@23-2.4) on the eastern side of Lago Puelo is nearly impassable due to a wild fire and lack of maintenance.
At the south side of Lago Puelo is a nice, lakeside campsite. The route continues south on another well groomed path, Cajón del Arroyo Derrumbe, that winds through rocks and scrub heading towards a forest. After entering the forest and crossing the footbridge, the land opens up and camping is plentiful. This path continues, but it becomes harder to follow. Eventually it widens into a 4WD track which winds through private farms.
After passing by the farms, the trail turns off the 4WD track onto a single track trail which is difficult to follow. There are several misleading spurs and the trail is overgrown with prickly vegetation. The trail remains like this until the steep climb beginning approximately 11.5 km from the south shore of Lago Puelo.
During the steep 800 m climb it is possible to spot a faint game trail, but for the most part this is a cross country route. This climb is difficult! There are very few trees, mostly bushes and prickly grasses full of burs, and the route does not cross water. At the top of the climb, just over the crest, there is a spot to camp.
The descent involves bushwhacking through a dense, woody forest for a couple kilometers, broken up by the occasional meadow. Be wary of the route you choose to take as it is possible to cliff out. After reaching the bottom (at approximately elevation 1.160 m) and beginning the next ascent (to approximate elevation 1.350 m), the forest opens up allowing for easier movement. The second descent (to approximately elevation 980 m) is densely forested, steep, and very slow going. The subsequent ascent (to approximately elevation 1.280 m) involves bushwacking until reaching treeline. At this point, the route descends cross-country on talus and alpine marshland. The dense forest and wet conditions of the meadows makes camping in this area difficult.
After dropping below treeline, a stream winds through relatively open forest until joining Del Turco. In several places it is possible to walk along the bank of the river, crossing it as needed. Since there are several occasions where crossing Del Turco is necessary, doing this section when the water is high may be dangerous. When the GPS route deviates from the river it’s usually to avoid a steep section where the flat banks disappear. There is the occasional small trail which frequently fades into the thick bamboo forest. The combination of rocky terrain and prickly vegetation makes camping along the river difficult to find. However, there are some clear flat areas; a couple places even had evidence of fire rings.
Approximately 5 km from where the route joins the dirt road to Lago Cholila, the trail becomes more established. There are still some misleading spurs, but generally the route is straightforward. There are also higher quality and more frequent camping options in this area. The route joins a nice dirt road lined with several private residences about 1 km from Lago Cholila. The put in for the 4 km paddle across the lake is a grassy beach.
The outlet of Lago Cholila is Río Carrilefu. This river is swift but has few obstacles. Most of the river is lined with thick bush or private property, but the occasional place to camp can be spotted (some areas even have picnic tables). Watch for the take-out just before Villa Lago Rivadavia. Exit the river on a grassy beach just below a small campsite called Camping El Abuelo Daniel. There are several amenities at this site including flushing toilets, cold showers, and home cooked meals. The price in 2018 was 170 argentine pesos to camp per night without breakfast and 230 argentine pesos per night with breakfast included.
=Resupply and Accommodation=
[[Archivo: | ]]
{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"
|+'''GPT23: PN Lago Puelo'''
| colspan="4" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| GPT23: PN Lago Puelo
| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Hiking
| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Packrafting
| colspan="2" | E: Lagos Argentinos
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Total
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|'''93.5 km'''
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|'''34 h'''
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| '''79.6 km'''
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|'''27 h'''
| style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Region
| colspan="2" | Argentina: Chubut
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Trails (TL)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|53.6 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 28.2 km
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Start
| colspan="2" | Lago Puelo (Puerto)
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Minor Roads (MR)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|20.1 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 1.6 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 2.0%
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Finish
| colspan="2" | Villa Lago Rivadavia
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Primary Roads (PR)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|11.6 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 0.9 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 1.1%
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Status
| colspan="2" | Published & Verified
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Cross-Country (CC)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|4.2 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 4.5 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 5.6%
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Traversable
| colspan="2" | Jan - Mar (Maybe: Dec, Apr)
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Bush-Bashing (BB)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|4.1 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 4.1 km
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Packraft
| colspan="2" | Very Useful
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Ferry (FY)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Connects to
| colspan="2" | GPT22, GPT24H, GPT24P
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Investigation (I)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Options
| colspan="2" | 69 km (2 Options & Variants)
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Exploration (EXP)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|(12.2 km)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Hiking
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Packrafting
| rowspan="4" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|
| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Total on Water
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| '''40.2 km'''
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| '''50.6%'''
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Attraction
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|3 (of 5)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 5 (of 5)
| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| River (RI)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 21.0 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 26.3%
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Difficulty
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|5 (of 5)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 5 (of 5)
| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Lake (LK)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 19.3 km
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 24.2%
| style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Direction
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|Both ↓↑
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|Both ↓↑
| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Fjord (FJ)
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Comment
| colspan="7" | Packrafting: ↓ More packraft use
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Character
| colspan="7" | Forest, Farmland, Settlers, Unpeopled Areas, River Packrafting, Lake Packrafting
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Challenges
| colspan="7" | Demanding River Fords, Bush Bashing, Demanding Navigation, Possibly Impassable
[[File:profile GPT23.PNG|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]
[[File:profile GPT23-p.PNG|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]

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