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GPT20 - Volcán Antillanca

641 bytes añadidos, 13:05 21 dic 2019
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
* 19-12-2019 to 20-12-2019 / Martín Lizondo / Hiking Southbound
The trail from Conaf is extremely overgrown, even after the first bridge. There’s no minor road anymore. Guards offer you a “machete” to clean the path. Expect super ultra slow hiking (2 km p/h) the first 12 km. From then, as the trail reaches higher altitude, it becomes very easy to walk.
At this date, the pass to Rupanco is all covered by snow, impossible to cross with regular gear, due to the snow fall the last few days. The optional route to avoid snow is also impassae. Pro: views are very nice. I had to return to Anticura and hitchike back to Entre Lagos.
* 09.11.2019 / Sophie & Hendrik

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