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Greater Patagonian Trail track files

159 bytes añadidos, 16:45 18 ene 2021
added myself to the track file request list
Use the format:
*'''Name or Wikiexplora Username''': Planned Travel Period and Description of Travel Plan
*'''Bjornsether''': GPT 01 to 40. I've been planning a long-distance hike in Chile for some time. February-April 2021 might allow me to spend time on the GPT.
*'''AJForno''':, GPT 01 to 40, I live in Chile and have done some sections, and plan to keep exploring, Thank you! Andres
*'''Thom&Miky''': Hi, we are two friends planning to walk from febrary to april 2021 and we will try to reach from south to north the GPT 14 to GPT 01. Thank you! Thomas and Michael

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