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GPT17P (Neltume)

17 bytes eliminados, 12:58 22 abr 2023
Season 2017/18
==Season 2017/18==
*Season 2017/18 / Kara Davis
The GPT does not go through Carriringue, but if you do decide to go into town the route is easy to rejoin by walking south along the paved road, T-29, to Río Liquiñe. There is an established campsite (5.000 CLP/night) which is part of the Red de Turismo Rural where the paved road crosses the river. This campsite has flush toilets, cold showers, and trash.
At Puerto Fuy, there were several signs advertising lodging. However, it would be difficult to resupply here.
Comment by Jan Dudeck: I recall about half a dozen mini shops in Puerto Fuy that are sometimes hidden in the side roads. But its a best practice to resupply in the first bigger shop you find on the route (i.e. Neltume) and try in the next village to purchase what you did not get in the first place (i.e. Puerto Fuy).
==Season 2016/17==

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