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Greater Patagonian Trail

58 bytes añadidos, 20:55 17 jul 2017
Before you depart: Don't do this ...
If you really believe that you need to publish your plans before you depart then do it in an humble manner and as an tentative plan. Don't pose as a winner before you start and share your lessons learned while being on the trail but latest after you concluded your journey. Don't build ruins of pride by publishing your mission without having the courage to honestly write how it developed and terminated. And don't worry if you aren't a flawless hero in your endeavor; glossy swaggerer braggers are anyway not loved. People admire authentic humans that share their misses, struggles and lessons learned.
A personal note: I published my first word about my hikes in Patagonia after I have traveled this area 9 timesand more than a decade after my first visit. What you find now in this article is the result of a deepening relationship with this unique region that started back in 2002.
====When being on the GPT: Learn and Adopt====

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