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ENG:Glaciar Río Mosco

3435 bytes añadidos, 22:59 20 mar 2010
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[[imagen:Mapa mosco.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
The "Mosco Glacier" route is
located in the same geographical
setting as the Southern Ice Field, in
the middle of one of many Patagonian
valleys crossed in recent history by
settlers and occasional adventurers
who left the tracks which we try to
find today.
The trail is an interesting
combination of geographical settings
in which we advance towards the
Andes mountain range, passing by
lakes, glaciers, mountain ridges, old
growth forests and reforestation that
covers an extensive area of gigantic
charred tree trunks resulting from a
past forest fire.
The circuit begins in Villa
O´Higgins, at an altitude of 265
meters above sea level, specifically
in Cerro Santiago Park, administered
by the Municipality of Villa
O´Higgins in conjunction with the
National Forest Corporation
(CONAF) and ends at the Mosco
Glacier at 678 meters above sea level.
It is a linear route, or in other words,
departure and return go over the same
trail. It is 10 kilometers long and is
marked from beginning to end. It can
be hiked in approximately 5 hours
throughout the entire year.
During all seasons the scenery
invites contemplation: spring signals
the emergence of green and the
flowering of the Calafate, the Chilco
and the Notro; summer offers fruit;
while in autumn the majestic forests
overwhelm with their beauty, turning
brilliant red of many different shades.
It is important to point out that
the marked trail follows an old trail
used by the first inhabitants of the zone
in 1930. Since 1997, the renovation
work has been carried out by the
Municipality of Villa O’ Higgins.
Along the route it is possible to
find great quantity of bird life, from
the majestic Condor to the beautiful
Patagonian Black Carpenter. The
forest is the habitat preferred by
numerous species, among them the timid
deer of the Andes, the Huemul. Other
animals which are present are more
difficult to see, such as foxes and
occasionally puma.
Multiple water courses offer
beautiful falls, including one at the end
of the path with a spectacular waterfall
of 25 meters spilling a great volume of
water. There are mountain and glacier
lakes which show the dramatic recession
of ice as a result of recent climatic change.
During the course of the trail there are
camping areas available and abundant
water to drink.
[[imagen:La ruta y sus tramos (Mosco).jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
==Trail MarkerMarkers==[[imagen:Senaletica (Mosco).jpg|300px|thumb|right]] The design of the signs markingthe territory is based on a French systemof routes for hikers, a pioneer systemof its type, which is recognizedworldwide for its efficiency andsimplicity. The Ministry of NaturalResources has complemented thesesigns with a numerical system associatedwith points of special interest that wecall SNUPIE (Numerical System ofSpecial Points of Interest). TheseSNUPIES are represented by numbers,that on some occasions accompany theordinary trail markers that indicate routeand direction. Each one has a meaningas described in the Topo-Guide andthey support a geographicalinterpretation of the route. 
==Description of the route==
===Segment 1===
From the civic plaza of Villa O’Higgins
===Segment 2===
After crossing the trail from the
===Segment 3===
Entrance into the forest coincides with
===Segment 4===
From "Camp Patagones" continue
===Segment 5===
'''Rocky hill 1° Narrows - Lookout Mosco Glacier'''
This section is characterized by the
===Segment 6===
'''Rocky hill 1° Narrows - Lookout Mosco Glacier'''
[[imagen:Retroceso glaciar mosco.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
From the Desplaye up, the valley of the
==Route in Google Earth==
==Expected time==
*[[Media:Glaciar Rio Mosco.kmz|Route of...Waypoints in Google Earth]]
{{Download waypoints}}

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